Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Fun

We had a very happy Christmas.  We missed our far-away family and friends, but we gathered around the tree and had a wonderful time!

Ready for bed on Christmas Eve.

Daddy explained about how Santa won't come until after you're asleep.  We left cookies for him and a carrot for the reindeer.  They were gone in the morning!

And look what was under the tree!

Not only did Santa come, but Grandma Marge sent something special too!

A Tiny Trike- just the right size for Anthony.  How did Grandma know???

Vroom, vroom!

Thank you, Grandma.  I love you!


Santa didn't forget Daddy, either. (*Not a real cigar)

Or Mommy.

A new mug from Anthony!

Sometimes the elves need help from Daddies to finish making the toys.

What a big boy!

"No pictures, please."

Thank you, Aunt Pat!

And Aunt Peggy!

Playing Double-Decker bus.

Grandma Jeanne came over in the afternoon and she and Anthony hung out.

Having some snacks before dinner and discussing current events.


  1. Aaahhhckkk! We're in love with Anthony. And totally cracked up at his face on Santa's lap. That was Nella's exact same pouty face!!

  2. Oh- Merry Christmas indeed! I love the trike- and that Santa picture- we have similar versions! Not such a big fan of the big man here in our home. I like to think the children have just listened well to my don't talk to strangers lessons! Looks like a wonderful holiday Susan! Yay!
